What is the most important factor in extending the mechanical life of an automobile?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog 2: Topic Choice

A: What is your topic and why? 

My topic is auto mechanics. I chose this because now that I started driving, I realized that I don't only have to worry about how I drive, but I also have to worry about the maintenance of my car. After realizing this, I noticed that I know nothing about cars. I've always found cars interesting, but I never really took the time to learn anything about them. After my 10 hours, I thought that working with cars is actually pretty cool and, in a sense, fun. Now, I really want to learn more about cars because I think that if I can learn enough about them, I might just have fun with my senior project after all and I might develop a new found love for working with cars.

B: What do you hope to accomplish this year with this topic? (connecting you answer to each of the 4 ESLRs)

  • iPoly Citizen: During my 10 hours, I learned that working with cars is more difficult than working with people because one of the main skills that you need to have as a mechanic is patience. Auto mechanics requires a lot of patience because if something doesn't work out the way you planned or you can't figure out what the problem of the car is, you will get frustrated unless you have a lot of patience. Through this topic, I plan to learn to have patience with things which will, in turn, also allow me to have patience with people. Not only that, but if I really start to become good at auto mechanics, I can help out people at iPoly that are having problems with their cars. 
  • Effective Communicator: As a mechanic, you have to know how to talk to people because you have to talk to customers and people working at auto shops. My mentor taught me that one of the most important things to know is how to talk to people because although you won't work them much, when you do, it'll be important. You have to know how to talk to people at auto shops so that, if possible, you can get car parts for a lower price than they usually are. As for your customers, you have to know how to explain to them what exactly is wrong with their car and you have to know how to listen to them to try to decipher what the problem with their car is as soon as they get to the shop. I plan to learn how to better communicate with people by learning to communicate with our clients. 
  • Effective Learner: There are a lot of things that you have to know when it comes to cars. You have to know the inner mechanisms, how things work, and how to fix them. Through this topic, I plan to learn how to remember and store a lot of information at once.
  • Effective User of Technology: Because of the advancements of technology in cars, I have to know how to work the computers in cars how to check what and if there are any problems with the computers of the car. I plan to learn as much as possible about working with the computers of cars and better my understanding of developing technologies. 

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