What is the most important factor in extending the mechanical life of an automobile?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog 6: Second Interview Questions


1) What does a person need to be a certified mechanic? Are you a certified mechanic?

2) How long have you been working with cars? How long have you been working at your current shop? 

3) Where did you work before you started working at RPM Transmissions (current shop)?

4) What would you say is one of the main problems with working as a mechanic?

5) As an expert, what would you say is most important when repairing a car?

6) Different cars need different types of oils, right? So, how do the oils differ?

7) I read an article that said that to become a top mechanic, you have to take an ASE class for auto mechanics. How important would you say that an ASE class is?

8) In your opinion, what tools should be invented to make auto mechanics easier? 

9) During my research, I read an article that said that wheel alignment of a car is very important and another that stated it as a 'repair that can wait'. What's your take on the wheel alignment of a car? How important would you say it is?

10) What do you do when a customer doesn't know what is wrong with their car and the problem isn't one that the computer can tell you about?

11) In my last interview, I asked my interviewee what he thought was the best way to learn about auto mechanics and he said that the best way to learn it was through the hands-on experience. What would you say is the best way to learn auto mechanics? Would you agree with him?

12) Apart from my senior project, I have to do a science experiment that relates to my topic. I want to study the chemicals that go into oil and from what I learn, make a sort of universal oil that will work with most cars. Do you think it's possible to do so? If so, how difficult do you think it'll be? 

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