What is the most important factor in extending the mechanical life of an automobile?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

The restoration of my car.


A) I, Omar Rodriguez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

B) Sclar, Deanna. "Auto Repair for Dummies." Auto Repair for Dummies. Foster City, CA: IDG Worldwide, 1999. Print.

C) It's the link above this.

D) My parents bought me a car on the condition that they got to choose the car and that I would do any work that had to be done to it, myself. So, they came home one day with a 1996 Honda Accord LX that didn't run at all. It didn't even have an engine. So, I took that car and got it to run. Now, I take it everywhere.


My component demonstrates 30 hours of work because it was the complete restoration of the engine of a car. Not just the engine, though, but also the installation of the master cylinder, the timing belt, the hoses, the radiator, and oil filter. If anyone has ever tried to do any work on a car that requires you to work with the engine, then you know its very time consuming. My evidence is the pictures my cousin took of me working on my car.

The first thing I changed were the brakes, because they were the easiest thing to change. Here are the old brake pads. As you can see, they're really old.

These are pictures of the motor mount the engine we found in the junkyard had. 
This is the motor mount that I put in as a replacement. 
This is the really busted tensioner for the timing belt. 
Here's the replacement tensioner installed. 
This is a picture of one of the most important parts of the car - the fuel pump. This is the old fuel pump. 
This is the fuel tank without the fuel pump. 
This is me working under the car. If I remember correctly, I was changing the fuel pump pressure sensor. 
Here, I'm working on the EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) valve. 
Here is the old EGR valve that I finally managed to take out after about an hour's struggle. 
Here is the old crank sensor of my car. This little part caused me SO much trouble to take out. 
Here, I'm working on taking out the oxygen sensor that's part of the exhaust emission system. As you can see, the tip of it is really old and rusty. 
Here is the old and rusty oxygen sensor in full view. 
Here is the replaced oxygen sensor. If you look at the tip, you can tell that this one is actually in good condition. 
Here, I took out the track rod of the car. It was a pretty big achievement. I had been struggling to take it out for maybe about an hour and a half. 
This is the newly installed track rod. 

And all of the above are all the pictures I was finally able to get from my cousin's phone. 


My topic is auto mechanics and the restoration of my car was nothing but. I don't see how I could explain it even more.

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