1) What is the most important factor in extending the mechanical life of an automobile?
2) What is the worst thing that can happen if you don't change your engine oil when you should?
3) How do automatic and manual transmission oils differ?
4) What is the most difficult part of an engine to take apart? Why?
5) What is the worst that can happen if you don't tighten the cylinder head bolts in the engine, in the order that they're supposed to be?
6) What is the primary function of the racket arms?
7) What effects can a gas leak have on a car?
8) What is the best way to tell if you car has a gas leak without going to the mechanic?
9) What would you say is the most important part of the exhaust emissions system?
10) What effects does a faulty catalytic converter have on a car?
11) What would you say is more important in a car, the shocks or the struts? Why?
12) Do you think that a car will have more resistance when it's shocks and struts are wet or not? Why?
13) What are some reasons that the oxygen sensor is not working properly?
14) Can a car function properly without the body idol? Why?
15) What would you say is the most important sensor in a car?
16) If the OBDII sensor in a car doesn't work, what is the first thing that you should do to figure out what the problem of the car is?
17) What are some of the main reasons a car's check engine light would go off?
18) What is the worst thing that can happen if you use a higher than required octane for your car?
19) Is it bad if a car's manifold vacuum reads higher than the recommended 18-20 in-Hg?
20) Do you prefer to have a longer mechanical life for your car or better efficiency? Why?
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